Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, it's been a while. Nothing much going on. Went downtown and took some photos. I'll post those when I get a chance. Meanwhile... I've been searching for something *new* - but, haven't received a call yet. Don't really want to mention a whole lot on here, never know who reads these things ;)

I am almost done with my website... I picked "Betsey" only because it had a lot more options if I wanted to use them later on (like proofing and a shopping cart). I'm hoping to have it done by the end of this week if not by the beginning of next week. YAY!

Derik started his new job downtown and I think he likes it a LOT. He said it's hard work. He learned a new program and the guy who taught it to him is leaving... today... he was from A&M and said it took him 2 months to learn this. Derik had to write notes and had to learn it in 1 DAY! Hopefully he just loves it. I know what it's like to not love what you do.

Well I miss you all... call me WHENEVER!
